Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Little House in the Suburbs

While cruising through my craft emails I came across this site.... and so far I've spent like an hour looking at all the stuff on there. I plan to make a lot of the deodarant and lip balm and lotion bars and a few other things. Great site to check out if you want to make your own soap and what not.

Recipe and Tut

Tutorial on how to take a t-shirt and turn it into a halter top. and here is an almond face wash that supposedly can keep for a month.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What I made

Well I have finished the potholder and hotpad I made for my mom for Mothers Day. I still have to finish the coke can cozy and then I might have to make a holder for it all because I don't have any wrapping paper. I'll figure it out though. I also plan to take her out to eat at Steak and Shake (yum yum and cheap) and maybe a movie. I'll post pics for the stuff I made when I get them all done.

Mothers Day Giveaway Blog

Here is a cool giveaway for mothers day. Such cute stuff!!! Got to love it.