Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Little Bit of This and That

Yay for me I found where I hid the set of crochet hooks I'd bought at a yard sale two weeks (or so) ago. I'd put them in a chester drawer and I never look at those. My room at home is only so big and I have chester drawers, bookshelf and one of those big things that always comes with a mirror. The name escapes me at the moment.

Well, I've mainly been working on finishing my bucket hat which I did and finally weaved in the ends. I'll post pictures of what I've done and the links later. I left the hat at my mom's. I'm trying to finish up the coasters for the coaster swap. They are not hard to complete or anything and I'm on the 4th one. I just have a ton of library books I need to finish and I keep wanting to play Dead Space on the xbox 360. The coasters came from coatsandclark.com and I believe they are called Crochet Coasters...how original of a title.

Not much else to report. Once I get done with the coasters and mail them off I'll be working on the Patchwork Bag from lionbrand.com and also their 8 pocket tote. I already got the colors picked out and now just gotta get to it. I love bags but I've never made one before so I can't wait.

Yard sale news...not much really. We went on Saturday. It stormed on Friday so we didn't go then. It was a bad storm. There was a tornado sighting just on the other side of town. I should have stayed at my apt but I came home instead. We had some big limbs down and tons of small limbs everywhere. We have 3 huge trees...ok no 4 I guess. There is one on the left side of the house by the bedrooms in the front, one on the right side ofthe house in the front and two in the back of the house kinda close together. They are in the same area at least. Anyway, mom caught my cold (even tho I'd been gone 2 days before she got sick with it) so she wasn't feeling the greatest at the sales. We didn't get too much this time around. People didn't know how to price. I mean $1 paperback and $4 for hardbacks at one place. I didn't see any craft stuff at all really. I bought 2 movies and a smallish tub of thread. The movies were $3 total at one sale and the thread was $2. I don't know what thread costs at the store so I don't know what to compare price wise. I counted them all out and there are 138 total things of thread (mostly the smaller type ones and 4 bobins if that is how its spelled and a few of the medium size ones and then one of the bigger size ones) plus quite a few sewing machine needles and some pins. I didn't have any of that stuff before so i'm happy with it. mom bought an air purifier mainly just becuase it was noisy. we have our air purifiers from old time (if that makes sense) and hers broke. We've mainly just been keeping them for the noise since we hate for it to be silent when we go to sleep. So she's been sleeping in silence and it annoys her so she bought that. She also got 2 cup warmers for my grandfather since he's been looking for one and some books also. That is all I can recall although I think she bought one or two more things.

Thats my news for now. I'm sure I'll post some links later that I find in my craft email from craftgossip.com Great newsletter and has tons of stuff about all sorts of craft stuff.

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