Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Slippers Update

Update on those slippers I was going to start work on. I posted about then in April or May. I had only finished one and it didn't quite work out too well. I can't figure out how to sew it together either so it just looks kind of like a small bag with no handle or anything. But I had the bright idea to try it on and see how it'd work as a hat. It works well actually. It would keep the snow or whatever off my glasses and the sun out of my eyes. I'll get pics soon as I always say. I had looked on the site where I found the slippers pattern and she is fixing to open up a store to sell her stuff and she posted some pics of what she'd be selling. there is a hat on there that looks very similar to the slipper/hat i made. so i posted that great minds think alike. lol. I finished the slipper/hat last month but never got around to even finishing off. I did today though.

1 comment:

  1. you are definitely creative, turning a slipper into a hat. I hope you find a way to do pictures soon.
